Greensleeves Blog

Best Gardens Around the World
Greensleeves Blog

It’s the time of year for summer holidays, travelling and seeing the world. If you’re heading off to a new place, you might want to visit some of the local…

How to play… Lawn Bowls
Greensleeves Blog

The sight of white-clad teams battling it out on the village bowling green is a scene familiar to many of us, but have you ever tried playing the game yourself?…

Lawncare Tips from America
Greensleeves Blog

In America the question is not ‘do you have lawn care?’ that, after all, is a given; the question is ‘which lawn care company do use?’ ‘˜Across the pond’ lawn…

Help the Environment (Part 2): In the Garden
Greensleeves Blog

  It’s more important than ever to make changes to better care for the environment. With scientific reports showing us how close we are to environmental catastrophe, we as individuals…

Installing And Using A Waterbutt
Greensleeves Blog

Use a waterbutt to store and recycle rainwater. It’s a fantastic way to be more environmentally friendly in your garden, improve the health of your plants and even save money!…

Gas, electric or solid fuel: what’s the right patio heater for you?
Greensleeves Blog

As the nights draw in and the weather takes a distinctly chilly turn, our gardens start to look less enticing by the time we get home from work. But after…

Attract Pollinators To Your Garden
Greensleeves Blog

Butterflies and bees are some of nature’s most crucial contributors, pollinating as they float from flower to flower and aid the production of crops for human and animal use. Unfortunately,…

Composting Leaves
Greensleeves Blog

For anyone with trees nearby, autumn sees our gardens covered in falling leaves. It is important that leaves are not left covering your lawn. When left to pile up, they…

Guide To Chafer Grubs
Greensleeves Blog

  Chafer grubs are an insect that hatches in lawns during the summer months. They can cause big problems for the health and appearance of your lawn, completely destroying turf,…

Daddy Longlegs & Leatherjackets
Greensleeves Blog

The summer season brings happiness to us all, especially those who enjoy spending their days in the sunshine tending to their beloved gardens, and thanks to the extended warm and…

Christmas Garden Ideas!
Greensleeves Blog

At Greensleeves Lawn Care, we love gardens and Christmas. There’s nothing better than getting your garden festive and beautiful this December. We’ve got lots of top tips and ideas for…

Plant Propagation: How and Why to Do It
Greensleeves Blog

Plant propagation refers to growing new plants through either sexual or asexual reproduction. The former type refers to the flowering, pollination and fertilisation that happens with a mother and father…